Facturapi (2.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
On this page, we list all the methods available in the Facturapi API, as well as the complete reference of the parameters you can send. To see the nested properties of an object or an array of objects, you can click on the field name to expand it.
The Facturapi API is designed with the REST standard in mind. The API endpoints are grouped by resources, have predictable URLs, the responses are in JSON format, and we use standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
During development, you can use the Facturapi API in the Test environment, and the invoices you issue will not be sent to the SAT (Mexican Tax Authority) and will not have fiscal validity.
The secret key you use to authenticate will determine both the environment in which the invoice will be created (Test or Live), as well as the organization to use as the issuer of your invoice or as the owner of the resource you request to create.
Create Customer
Register a new customer in Facturapi.
This call validates that the fiscal data matches the records of the SAT for that RFC, otherwise the call will return an error indicating the issue.
Once the customer is created and a response object is obtained, we recommend saving the ID in your database along with the customer information. Later, you can call the Create Invoice endpoint by passing the customer ID instead of repeating the information.
Finally, keep in mind that the customers you create in the Test environment are not shared with the Live environment.
query Parameters
createEditLink | boolean If set to |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
legal_name required | string Legal name or business name of the customer. without the corporate regime (e.g.: S.A. de C.V.). |
tax_id required | string In Mexican clients, it contains the customer's RFC. For foreigners, it is optional and represents the tax identification number, that is, the equivalent to the RFC in the customer's country. |
tax_system required | string = 3 characters Required for national clients. Key of the customer's tax regime, from the Tax Regime Catalog. |
required | object Fiscal address. |
string <email> Email address to which to send the generated invoices. | |
phone | string Customer's phone number. |
default_invoice_use | string Default CFDI use for the customer. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
Response samples
- 200
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "edit_link_expires_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "sat_validated_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
List customers
Returns a paginated list of all customers in an organization or performs a search according to parameters.
query Parameters
q | string Free text field. Search word matches with |
object (DateRange) Object with requested date range. | |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/customers \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -G \ -d 'q=Dunder' \ -d 'date[gt]=2021-07-14T06:00:00.000Z' \ -d 'date[lt]=2021-08-14T06:00:00.000Z' \ -d 'page=1'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "edit_link_expires_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "sat_validated_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
Retrieve customer by ID
Returns the 'Customer' object with the specified ID. If the customer does not exist, a 404 error will be returned.
path Parameters
customer_id required | string Customer ID |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/customers/590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "edit_link_expires_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "sat_validated_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
Edit Customer
Updates the information of an existing customer, setting only the values for the paramenters that are sent. Undefined values will not be modified.
path Parameters
customer_id required | string ID of the object to edit |
query Parameters
createEditLink | boolean If set to |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
legal_name | string Legal name or business name of the customer. without the corporate regime (e.g.: S.A. de C.V.). |
tax_id | string In Mexican clients, it contains the customer's RFC. For foreigners, it is optional and represents the tax identification number, that is, the equivalent to the RFC in the customer's country. |
tax_system | string = 3 characters Required for national clients. Key of the customer's tax regime, from the Tax Regime Catalog. |
string <email> Email address to which to send the generated invoices. | |
phone | string Customer's phone number. |
default_invoice_use | string Default CFDI use for the customer. |
object Fiscal address. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "edit_link_expires_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "sat_validated_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
Delete Customer
Deletes a customer. The invoices linked to the customer will not be deleted.
path Parameters
customer_id required | string ID of the object to delete |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/customers/590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "edit_link_expires_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "sat_validated_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
Validate Customer Tax Info
Validates that the customer's fiscal information matches the SAT records.
Its main function is to validate that the registered customer data continues to meet the SAT validation.
Note: The operations of creating a customer, editing a customer, and creating an invoice already perform a validation of the customer's information, so it is not necessary to call this endpoint before performing these operations.
path Parameters
customer_id required | string ID of the customer |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/customers/590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af/tax-info-validation \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "is_valid": true,
- "errors": [
- {
- "path": "tax_system",
- "message": "El RégimenFiscal no coincide con el registrado para el RFC en la lista de contribuyentes obligados del SAT."
Create Product
Register a new product or service in your Facturapi catalog.
You can use the product ID to create invoices without having to send all the product data each time.
Keep in mind that the products you create in the Test environment are not shared with the Live environment.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
description required | string Description of the good or service as it will appear on the invoice. |
product_key required | string Key from the SAT catalog of products/services. We provide a more convenient way to find it using our key search tool. |
price required | number Price per unit of the good or service. This value will represent the price with or without VAT, depending on the value of |
tax_included | boolean or null Default: true
taxability | string Default: "`\"01\"` if the `taxes` array is empty; `\"02\"` if the `taxes` array has at least one element.\n" Enum: "01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" Code that represents whether the good or service is subject to tax or not. This attribute corresponds to the "ObjetoImp" field in the CFDI.
Array of objects or null (Tax) Default: "IVA (VAT) transferred 16%" List of taxes that must be applied to this product. If the parameter is omitted or null, it will be saved with an element representing the transferred IVA (VAT) of 16%, which is the most common tax. If an empty array is explicitly sent, it is understood that the product is exempt from taxes. | |
Array of objects (LocalTax) Default: [] Array of local taxes (state or municipal), if any. | |
unit_key | string or null Default: "H87" Key of the unit of measure, from the SAT catalog. The default value If the unit of your product is kilograms, liters, hours, or any other unit, we provide a convenient way to find the key using our key search tool. |
unit_name | string or null Default: "Elemento" Name of the unit of measure used to express the quantity. It must be related to the unit key |
sku | string or null Internal identifier designated by the company. It can have any value. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
List products
Returns a paginated list of all products in an organization or performs a search according to parameters.
query Parameters
q | string Free text field. Search word matches with |
sku | string Search word matches specifically with |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/products \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -G \ -d 'q=ukelele' \ -d 'page=1'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
Retrieve product by ID
Returns the Product
object with the specified ID. If the product does not exist, a 404 error will be returned.
path Parameters
product_id required | string Product ID |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/products/590e22c26d04f840aa8438b2 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
Edit product
Updates the information of an existing product, setting only the values for the paramenters that are sent. Undefined values will not be modified.
path Parameters
product_id required | string Product ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
description required | string Description of the good or service as it will appear on the invoice. |
product_key required | string Key from the SAT catalog of products/services. We provide a more convenient way to find it using our key search tool. |
price required | number Price per unit of the good or service. This value will represent the price with or without VAT, depending on the value of |
tax_included | boolean or null Default: true
taxability | string Default: "`\"01\"` if the `taxes` array is empty; `\"02\"` if the `taxes` array has at least one element.\n" Enum: "01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" Code that represents whether the good or service is subject to tax or not. This attribute corresponds to the "ObjetoImp" field in the CFDI.
Array of objects or null (Tax) Default: "IVA (VAT) transferred 16%" List of taxes that must be applied to this product. If the parameter is omitted or null, it will be saved with an element representing the transferred IVA (VAT) of 16%, which is the most common tax. If an empty array is explicitly sent, it is understood that the product is exempt from taxes. | |
Array of objects (LocalTax) Default: [] Array of local taxes (state or municipal), if any. | |
unit_key | string or null Default: "H87" Key of the unit of measure, from the SAT catalog. The default value If the unit of your product is kilograms, liters, hours, or any other unit, we provide a convenient way to find the key using our key search tool. |
unit_name | string or null Default: "Elemento" Name of the unit of measure used to express the quantity. It must be related to the unit key |
sku | string or null Internal identifier designated by the company. It can have any value. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
Delete Product
Deletes the product from your organization. The invoices linked with the product will not be deleted.
path Parameters
product_id required | string Product ID to delete |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/products/590e22c26d04f840aa8438b2 \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
Create invoice (CFDI 4.0)
Creates a new Invoice. If the invoice is created in the Live environment, it will be stamped and sent to the SAT.
query Parameters
async | boolean Useful for large invoices. If sent |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Customer (object) or customer_id (string) Customer receiving the invoice. |
required | Array of objects (LineItem) <= 5000 items Concepts to include in the invoice. The maximum number of elements that you can include in an invoice is 5,000. If you need to issue an invoice with more than 5,000 concepts, you can divide the transaction into several invoices. |
payment_form required | string = 2 characters Código que representa la forma de pago, de acuerdo al catálogo del SAT. |
use required | string Default: "G01" Code of Use of CFDI according to the SAT catalog. You can see the codes in this table, or use the constants included in our libraries. For global invoices you must use the code |
type | string Default: "I" Value: "I" Type of document. The default value is |
payment_method | string Default: "PUE" Enum: "PUE" "PPD" Code of the payment method according to the SAT catalog.
currency | |
exchange | number Default: 1 Exchange rate according to the currency used. It represents the
number of Mexican pesos (MXN) equivalent to one unit of the
currency indicated in the |
conditions | string or null [ 1 .. 1000 ] characters Payment conditions. Free text field usually used to specify payment terms, such as the due date. |
Array of objects (RelatedDocumentInput) Default: [] Documents related to the invoice. | |
object or null Required object when creating a global invoice. | |
export | string Default: "01" Enum: "01" "02" "03" "04" Indicates if the invoice covers an export operation.
Array of objects (CustomComplement) Default: [] Complements to include in the invoice. You can include any complement in the
invoice if you build the XML node of the complement yourself and use the | |
status | string Default: "pending" Initial status of the invoice. If If omitted, the default status is |
date | string <date-time> Default: "now" Date of issuance of the invoice in ISO8601 format (UTC String). It cannot be earlier than 72 hours in the past, nor later than the present. |
object You can use this parameter to specify the address where the invoice was issued. This field is optional and if not sent, the invoice will be issued with the address of the organization. | |
external_id | string or null Optional identifier that you can use to relate this invoice to your records and later search by this number. Facturapi does not validate that this field is unique. |
idempotency_key | string or null Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. If left blank, it will not be taken into account. |
folio_number | integer Default: "autoincremental" Number of folio assigned by the company for internal control. If omitted, the autoincremental value of the organization will be assigned. |
series | string or null <= 25 characters Series. Aplanumeric characters designated by the company for internal control and without fiscal relevance. |
pdf_custom_section | string or null <xml> In case you need to include more information in the PDF, this field allows you to insert HTML code with your own content. For security reasons, the code you can send is limited to the following tags: |
addenda | string or null <xml> XML code with the Addenda that needs to be added to the invoice. |
Array of objects (Namespace) Default: [] If you included the | |
object Configure which optional fields you want to show in the PDF. The SAT does not require showing these fields, but they can be activated according to the customer's preference for the current invoice. Use this field for invoice generation requests in which you need to use a different configuration than the pdf_extra field of the organization. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{ }
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "pending",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
List invoices
Returns a paginated list of all invoices in an organization or performs a search according to parameters.
query Parameters
q | string Text to search in the invoice. The search will be performed by partial matches in the fields:
And by exact matches in the fields:
customer | string Filter by customer ID. Exact match. |
type | string Enum: "I" "E" "P" "N" "T" Filter by invoice type. Exact match. |
payment_method | string Enum: "PUE" "PPD" Payment method. Exact match. |
object (DateRange) Object with requested date range. | |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
# All invoices from the organization curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" # All invoices issued to a certain customer curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -d "customer=58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456" # Page 3 of the search results for free text # of invoices issued to a certain customer between 2017 and 2019 curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -d "q=Aspiradora+Robot&customer=58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456&date[gte]=2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&date[lt]=2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&page=3&limit=10"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Retrieve invoice by ID
Returns the Invoice
object with the specified ID. If the invoice does not exist, a 404 error will be returned.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Edit draft invoice
Updates the information of a draft invoice, setting only the values for the paramenters that are sent. Undefined values will not be modified.
In the Invoice
response object, Facturapi will automatically assign the
field with the value true
if the invoice passes the
minimum validation required to be stamped; otherwise, the
field will be false
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to edit |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
type | string Enum: "I" "E" "P" "N" "T" Type of document. It can have the values |
Array of objects (LineItem) <= 5000 items Concepts to include in the invoice. The maximum number of elements that you can include in an invoice is 5,000. If you need to issue an invoice with more than 5,000 concepts, you can divide the transaction into several invoices. | |
payment_form | string = 2 characters Payment form code according to the Payment Form catalog. |
payment_method | string Enum: "PUE" "PPD" Code of the payment method according to the SAT catalog.
use | string Code of Use of CFDI according to the SAT catalog. You can see the codes in this table, or use the constants included in our libraries. For global invoices you must use the code |
currency | string Currency code, according to the standard ISO 4217. |
exchange | number Echange rate for the currency used. It represents the number of pesos mexicanos (MXN) equivalent to one unit of the currency indicated in the |
conditions | string or null [ 1 .. 1000 ] characters Payment conditions. Free text field usually used to specify payment terms, such as the due date. |
Array of objects (RelatedDocumentInput) Documents related to the invoice. | |
object or null Object required when creating a global invoice. | |
export | string Enum: "01" "02" "03" "04" Indicates if the invoice covers an export operation.
Array of objects (CustomComplement) Complements to include in the invoice. You can include any complement in the
invoice if you build the XML node of the complement yourself and use the | |
Customer (object) or customer_id (string) Customer receiving the invoice. | |
status | string Value: "draft" Initial status of the invoice. It is only possible to edit an invoice with status |
date | string <date-time> Date of issuance of the invoice in ISO8601 format (UTC String). It cannot be earlier than 72 hours in the past, nor later than the present. |
object You can use this parameter to specify the address where the invoice was issued. This field is optional and if not sent, the invoice will be issued with the address of the organization. | |
external_id | string or null Optional identifier that you can use to relate this invoice to your records and later search by this number. Facturapi does not validate that this field is unique. |
idempotency_key | string or null Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. If left blank, it will not be taken into account. |
folio_number | integer Folio number assigned by the company for internal control. If omitted, the autoincremental value of the organization will be assigned. This field does not have any fiscal relevance. |
series | string or null <= 25 characters Series. Alphanumeric characters designated by the company for internal control and without fiscal relevance. |
pdf_custom_section | string or null <xml> In case you need to include more information in the PDF, this field allows you to insert HTML code with your own content. For security reasons, the code you can send is limited to the following tags: |
addenda | string or null <xml> XML code with the Addendum to add to the invoice. |
Array of objects (Namespace) If you included the | |
object Configure which optional fields you want to show in the PDF. The SAT does not require showing these fields, but they can be activated according to the customer's preference for the current invoice. Use this field for invoice generation requests in which you need to use a different configuration than the pdf_extra field of the organization. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "type": "I",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "complement": "string",
- "third_party": {
- "legal_name": "The Michael Scott Paper Company",
- "tax_id": "MIC920101HN7",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "zip": "01234"
}, - "property_tax_account": "0102030405"
], - "payment_form": "03",
- "payment_method": "PUE",
- "use": "G01",
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 0,
- "conditions": "Fecha límite de pago: 28/feb/2025",
- "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "global": {
- "periodicity": "day",
- "months": "01",
- "year": 2022
}, - "export": "01",
- "complements": [
- {
- "type": "custom",
- "data": "string"
], - "customer": {
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "folio_number": 0,
- "series": "string",
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "pdf_options": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "draft",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "verification_url": null,
- "date": null,
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 0,
- "uuid": 0,
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Cancel invoice
Creates a cancellation request to the SAT for the specified invoice.
When using this method, 3 possible results can occur:
- The call returns an error with the explanation of why the cancellation could not be completed.
- The call is successful and returns an
object with the propertystatus: "canceled"
. - The call is successful, but the cancellation requires confirmation from your client, in which case the response will be the
object with the propertiesstatus: "valid"
andcancellation_status: "pending"
In the third scenario, the value of cancellation_status
will be automatically updated by Facturapi when your client accepts, rejects, or lets the request expire, so that when you query an invoice (using Get Invoice), the cancellation_status
property will reflect the most recent status of the request.
Check the possible values of cancellation_status
After the cancellation, the invoice will no longer be valid, the object will change its status
to "canceled"
and will still be available for future queries.
If the status of the invoice is draft
, this method will delete it from the database.
If the status of the invoice is canceled
, this method will return an error.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to cancel |
query Parameters
motive required | string Enum: "01" "02" "03" "04" Key representing the motive for the cancellation of the invoice. Possible values:
substitution | string ID of the invoice that replaces the invoice being canceled. You can use either the ID assigned by Facturapi or the fiscal folio (UUID). |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d?motive=02 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X DELETE
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Copy to draft
Creates a new draft invoice with the same information as the specified invoice.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to copy |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/copy \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X POST
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "draft",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "verification_url": null,
- "date": null,
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 0,
- "uuid": 0,
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Stamp draft invoice
Stamps a draft invoice and sends it to the SAT for validation.
When using this method, the value of the is_ready_to_stamp
field (assigned by Facturapi)
must be true
. Otherwise, the call will return an error. To get the value of is_ready_to_stamp
use the Get Invoice method.
This method does not allow editing the invoice, only stamping it. If you need to edit information in the invoice before stamping it, use the Edit Draft Invoice method.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to stamp |
query Parameters
async | boolean Useful for large invoices. If sent |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/stamp \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X POST
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Cancellation receipt
Download the cancellation receipt of a canceled invoice in an xml or pdf file.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to download the cancellation receipt |
format required | string Enum: "xml" "pdf" Format of the file to download |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
# Cancellation receipt xml curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/cancellation_receipt/xml \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X GET # Cancellation receipt pdf curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/cancellation_receipt/pdf \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X GET
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "message": "string"
Download invoice
Download your invoice in PDF, XML, or both in a ZIP file.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to download |
format required | string Enum: "xml" "pdf" "zip" Format of the file to download |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
## Download PDF and XML compressed in a ZIP file curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/zip \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" ## Download only the PDF curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/pdf \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" ## Download only the XML curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/xml \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "message": "string"
Send invoice by email
Sends an email to the address of your client with the XML and PDF files attached to the message.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to send |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
string or Array of strings Email address to send the invoice. If not sent, the email registered by the customer will be used. | |
One of string <email> Email address to send the invoice. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "email": "another@email.com"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "ok": true
Update invoice status
Consults the status of a stamped invoice at the SAT and updates the invoice object with the most recent information.
path Parameters
invoice_id required | string ID of the invoice to update |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/invoices/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/status \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X PUT
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Create e-receipt
Creates a new e-Receipt, which acts as a sales note.
Every receipt will have an auto-generated URL that the client can visit to fill in their fiscal data in a microsite with the organization's branding.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Array of objects (LineItem) <= 5000 items Concepts to include in the receipt. The maximum number of elements that you can include in a receipt is 5,000. If you need to issue a receipt with more than 5,000 concepts, you can divide the transaction into several receipts. |
payment_form required | string Payment form code according to the Payment Form catalog. |
date | string <date-time> Date of issuance of the receipt in ISO8601 format (UTC String). |
folio_number | integer Autoincremental. Number of the receipt for internal control and without fiscal relevance. |
currency | string Currency code, according to the standard ISO 4217. |
exchange | number >= 0 Exchange rate according to the currency used. It represents the number of Mexican pesos (MXN) equivalent to one unit of the currency indicated in the |
branch | string Name of the branch where the receipt was issued. |
external_id | string or null Optional identifier that you can use to relate this receipt to your records and later search by this number. Facturapi does not validate that this field is unique. |
idempotency_key | string or null Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. If left blank, it will not be taken into account. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "complement": "string",
- "third_party": {
- "legal_name": "The Michael Scott Paper Company",
- "tax_id": "MIC920101HN7",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "zip": "01234"
}, - "property_tax_account": "0102030405"
], - "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
List e-recipts
Returns a paginated list of all the receipts of an organization or performs a search according to parameters.
query Parameters
q | string Search. Text to search in the description of the receipt's items or the SKU. |
payment_form | string = 2 characters Example: payment_form=02 Code representing the payment form, according to the SAT catalog. If included, the receipts will be grouped and listed according to the payment form. |
object (DateRange) Object with requested date range. | |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
# All receipts of the organization curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/receipts" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" # Page 3 of search results for free text search # of receipts created between 2017 and 2019 curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/receipts" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -d "q=Aspiradora+Robot&date[gte]=2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&date[lt]=2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&page=3&limit=10"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
Retrieve e-receipt by ID
Retrieves an e-Receipt by its ID.
path Parameters
receipt_id required | string ID of the receipt to retrieve |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/receipts/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
Cancel e-receipt
Cancel a receipt by changing its status
property to "canceled"
Once canceled, the receipt cannot be invoiced.
path Parameters
receipt_id required | string ID of the receipt to cancel |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/receipts/5ebd8e56f5687a013ca0df46 \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
Download PDF
Download the electronic receipt in PDF format.
path Parameters
receipt_id required | string ID of the receipt to download |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/receipts/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/pdf \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "message": "string"
Send e-receipt by email
Send the e-receipt by email to the customer.
The email sent will be customized with the logo and colors of the organization that created it, and will include a button to invoice the receipt, as well as the receipt attached as a PDF to the message.
path Parameters
receipt_id required | string ID of the e-receipt to send |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
required | string or Array of strings Email address to send the e-receipt. If not sent, the email registered by the customer will be used. |
One of string <email> Email address to send the e-receipt. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "email": "other@email.com"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "ok": true
Convert e-receipt to invoice
Creates a new invoice from a receipt. Once invoiced, the receipt's status
will change to "invoiced_to_customer"
Only open receipts (status = "open"
) can be invoiced.
path Parameters
receipt_id required | string ID of the receipt to invoice |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Customer (object) or customer_id (string) Customer receiving the invoice. You can send the customer object directly or the ID of a previously registered customer in Facturapi. |
use | string Default: "G01" Code of Use of CFDI according to the SAT catalog. You can see the codes in this table, or use the constants included in our libraries. |
conditions | string or null [ 1 .. 1000 ] characters Payment conditions. Free text field usually used to specify payment terms, such as the due date. |
folio_number | integer Default: "autoincremental" Number of folio assigned by the company for internal control. If omitted, the autoincremental value of the organization will be assigned. |
series | string or null <= 25 characters Series. Aplanumeric characters designated by the company for internal control and without fiscal relevance. |
pdf_custom_section | string or null <xml> In case you need to include more information in the PDF, this field allows you to insert HTML code with your own content. For security reasons, the code you can send is limited to the following tags: |
addenda | string or null <xml> XML code with the Addenda that needs to be added to the invoice. |
Array of objects (Namespace) Default: [] If you included the | |
object Configure which optional fields you want to show in the PDF. The SAT does not require showing these fields, but they can be activated according to the customer's preference for the current invoice. Use this field for invoice generation requests in which you need to use a different configuration than the pdf_extra field of the organization. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "customer": {
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "use": "G01",
- "conditions": "string",
- "folio_number": "autoincremental",
- "series": "string",
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": { },
- "pdf_options": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Create global invoice
Creates a global invoice that will include all receipts with status = "open"
from a certain period.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
periodicity required | string Default: "`periodicity` property from the organization's receipt configuration." Enum: "day" "week" "fortnight" "month" "two_months" Periodicity that corresponds to the range of dates used.
If omitted, the organization's receipt configuration will be used.
If you omit sending the |
from | string <date> Default: "Start of the last period" Initial date of the receipts that will be included in the global invoice.
By default, this value is the start of the last period (day, week,
fortnight, or month), according to the value of "Periodicity" ( |
to | string <date> Default: "End of the last period" End date of the receipts that will be included in the global invoice.
By default, this value is the end of the last period (day, week,
fortnight, or month), according to the value of "Periodicity" ( |
months | string Default: "Month contained in the range of dates used." Key representing the month or bimester of the invoice. Consult the possible values in the Months and Bimesters catalog. |
folio_number | integer Default: "autoincremental" Number of the folio assigned by the company for internal control. If omitted, the incremental value of the organization will be assigned. |
series | string or null <= 25 characters Series. Alphanumeric characters designated by the company for internal control and without fiscal validity. |
date | string <date> Default: "Value of the `to` field" Date of issuance of the invoice. By default, it takes the value of the |
payment_form | string = 2 characters Payment form code according to the Payment Form catalog. If included, the receipts will be grouped and the global invoice will be created by the payment form. |
receipts | Array of strings <hex> [ items <hex > ] Receipts to include in the global invoice. If this parameter is included, the |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "from": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000",
- "to": "2022-31-01T23:59:59.999",
- "periodicity": "day",
- "months": "01",
- "folio_number": "autoincremental",
- "series": "F",
- "date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000",
- "payment_form": "02",
- "receipts": [
- "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Create retention
Create a new Retention. If the invoice is created in Live environment, it will be stamped and sent to SAT.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Customer (object) or customer_id (string) Customer receiving the invoice. |
cve_retenc required | string Key of the retention or payment information according to the SAT catalog. |
required | object Information about the retention period. |
required | object Information about the total of retentions made in the corresponding period. |
fecha_exp | string <date-time> Date of issuance of the document in ISO8601 format (UTC String). |
desc_retenc | string If the retention key is "25" (Other types of retentions), this field is used to register the description of the retention. |
folio_int | string Alphanumeric identifier for internal control of the company and without fiscal relevance. |
external_id | string Optional identifier that you can use to relate this retention to your records and later search by this number. Facturapi does not validate that this field is unique. |
idempotency_key | string Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. |
complements | Array of strings <xml> (string) [ items <xml > ] Default: [] Array of complements to include in the retention. Each element contains a |
pdf_custom_section | string <html> In case you need to include more information in the PDF, this field allows you to insert HTML code with your own content. |
addenda | string <xml> XML code with the Addenda that needs to be added to the invoice. |
Array of objects (Namespace) Namespaces to insert in the root node of the invoice. Required for |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "customer": {
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "cve_retenc": 26,
- "fecha_exp": "2021-09-15T06:03:23.000Z",
- "desc_retenc": "string",
- "folio_int": "R123",
- "periodo": {
- "mes_ini": 9,
- "mes_fin": 9,
- "ejerc": 2021
}, - "totales": {
- "monto_tot_operacion": 0,
- "monto_tot_grav": 0,
- "monto_tot_exent": 0,
- "monto_tot_ret": 0,
- "imp_retenidos": [
- {
- "base_ret": 0,
- "impuesto": "IVA",
- "monto_ret": 0,
- "tipo_pago_ret": 1
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "type": "Retención",
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
}, - "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "cve_retenc": 1,
- "fecha_exp": "2021-09-15T06:03:23.000Z",
- "desc_retenc": "string",
- "folio_int": "string",
- "periodo": {
- "mes_ini": 1,
- "mes_fin": 1,
- "ejerc": 0
}, - "totales": {
- "monto_tot_operacion": 0,
- "monto_tot_grav": 0,
- "monto_tot_exent": 0,
- "monto_tot_ret": 0,
- "imp_retenidos": [
- {
- "base": 0,
- "impuesto": "IVA",
- "monto": 0,
- "tipo_pago_ret": 1
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
List retentions
Returns a paginated list of all the retentions of an organization or performs a search according to parameters.
query Parameters
q | string Text search. Finds retentions with the specified text in the customer's |
customer | string ID of the customer to filter by. Only retentions issued to this customer will be returned. |
object (DateRange) Object with requested date range. | |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
# All retentions of the organization curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" # All retentions issued for a certain customer curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -d "customer=58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456" # Page 3 of search results for free text search # of retentions issued between 2017 and 2019 curl "https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions" \ -G \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -d "q=John+Doe6&date[gte]=2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&date[lt]=2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&page=3&limit=10"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "type": "Retención",
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
}, - "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "cve_retenc": 1,
- "fecha_exp": "2021-09-15T06:03:23.000Z",
- "desc_retenc": "string",
- "folio_int": "string",
- "periodo": {
- "mes_ini": 1,
- "mes_fin": 1,
- "ejerc": 0
}, - "totales": {
- "monto_tot_operacion": 0,
- "monto_tot_grav": 0,
- "monto_tot_exent": 0,
- "monto_tot_ret": 0,
- "imp_retenidos": [
- {
- "base": 0,
- "impuesto": "IVA",
- "monto": 0,
- "tipo_pago_ret": 1
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
Retrieve retention by ID
Retrieves a retention by its ID.
path Parameters
retention_id required | string ID of the retention to retrieve |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions/6062d9fb226600001cd22f71 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "type": "Retención",
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
}, - "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "cve_retenc": 1,
- "fecha_exp": "2021-09-15T06:03:23.000Z",
- "desc_retenc": "string",
- "folio_int": "string",
- "periodo": {
- "mes_ini": 1,
- "mes_fin": 1,
- "ejerc": 0
}, - "totales": {
- "monto_tot_operacion": 0,
- "monto_tot_grav": 0,
- "monto_tot_exent": 0,
- "monto_tot_ret": 0,
- "imp_retenidos": [
- {
- "base": 0,
- "impuesto": "IVA",
- "monto": 0,
- "tipo_pago_ret": 1
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
Cancel retention
Request a cancellation of a retention from the SAT.
Unlike regular invoices, retention cancellations are immediate and do not require authorization from the recipient.
path Parameters
retention_id required | string ID of the retention to cancel |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions/6062d9fb226600001cd22f71 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -X DELETE
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "type": "Retención",
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
}, - "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "cve_retenc": 1,
- "fecha_exp": "2021-09-15T06:03:23.000Z",
- "desc_retenc": "string",
- "folio_int": "string",
- "periodo": {
- "mes_ini": 1,
- "mes_fin": 1,
- "ejerc": 0
}, - "totales": {
- "monto_tot_operacion": 0,
- "monto_tot_grav": 0,
- "monto_tot_exent": 0,
- "monto_tot_ret": 0,
- "imp_retenidos": [
- {
- "base": 0,
- "impuesto": "IVA",
- "monto": 0,
- "tipo_pago_ret": 1
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
Download retention
Download a retention in PDF, XML or both in a ZIP file.
path Parameters
retention_id required | string ID of the retention to download |
format required | string Enum: "xml" "pdf" "zip" Format to download |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
## Download PDF and XML compressed in a ZIP file curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/zip \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" ## Download only the PDF curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/pdf \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" ## Download only the XML curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/retentions/58e93bd8e86eb318b019743d/xml \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "message": "string"
Send retention by email
Send an email to the customer's address with the XML and PDF files attached to the message.
path Parameters
retention_id required | string ID of the retention to send |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
string or Array of strings Email address to send the retention. If this parameter is not sent, the retention will be sent to the email that the customer has registered. | |
One of string <email> Email address to send the retention. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "email": "another@email.com"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "ok": true
Create organization
Create a new Organization that will belong to your user account.
After creating the organization and before being able to issue invoices with the organization, you will need to finish setting it up by calling the Update legal data and Upload certificates (CSD) methods.
Remember that the stamps of your subscription can be consumed by any of the organizations registered under your account.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string <= 100 characters Commercial name of the organization. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "name": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
List organizations
Returns a paginated list of all the organizations registered under your account, or performs a search according to parameters.
query Parameters
q | string Free text search. Text to search in |
object (DateRange) Object with requested date range. | |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Organization detail
Returns the detail of a organization registered under your account.
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/me \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Edit legal data
Update the legal information of the organization.
If you are looking for how to edit the RFC, remember that the tax_id
property is automatically assigned when uploading the user's certificates
(Certificado de Sello Digital or CSD).
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization to edit |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string <= 100 characters Commercial name of the organization. |
legal_name required | string <= 100 characters Fiscal or Legal Name of the organization, without the corporate regime (e.g.: S.A. de C.V.). |
tax_system required | string = 3 characters Fiscal Regime Code, from the SAT catalog. |
required | object (OrganizationAddress) Fiscal address of the issuing organization. |
website | string Website of the organization, which will be referenced when sending the invoice by email. |
support_email | string Email address for clarifications. It will appear in the invoice PDF and emails. |
phone | string Phone number of the organization, which will appear in the invoice PDF and emails. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "support_email": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Upload certificates (CSD)
Upload the files of the Digital Seal Certificate (Certificado de Sello Digital or CSD) provided by the SAT.
This call should also be used to replace existing certificates in case new ones are requested.
When updating your certificates, the RFC will be read and automatically assigned to legal.tax_id
Don't use this endpoint to upload the FIEL certificate. The CSD is different from the FIEL certificate (Firma Electrónica). Please ask your accountant for the CSD.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization to upload certificates |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-datarequired
cerFile required | string <binary> Binary content of the file with extension |
keyFile required | string <binary> Binary content of the file with extension |
password required | string Password of the certificate key. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/certificate \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -F 'cer=@/path/to/your/CSD.cer' \ -F 'key=@/path/to/your/CSD.key' \ -F 'password=CONTRASEÑA_DEL_CERTIFICADO'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Delete certificates (CSD)
Removes the certificates (CSD) from your organization.
Deleting the certificates will not affect the invoices already issued, but you will not be able to issue new invoices until you upload new certificates.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization to delete certificates |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/certificate \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Upload logo
Upload the organization's logo. The logo will be displayed on the PDFs and emails sent to your customers.
The file must be an image in JPG or PNG format and have a size not greater than 500 KB. The recommended dimensions are 800 × 500px.
If the organization already has a logo, this call replaces the previous logo.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-datarequired
file required | string <binary> Binary content of the file with the image to be used as a logo. Supported formats:
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/logo \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -F 'file=@/path/to/your/logo.jpg'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Edit customization
Update the information related to the organization's identity or branding.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
color | string <hex> Distinctive color of the brand in Hexadecimal RGB representation of 6 characters. |
next_folio_number | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next invoice created in this organization in the Live environment. It will be automatically incremented for each new invoice. |
next_folio_number_test | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next invoice created in this organization in the Test environment. It will be automatically incremented for each new invoice. |
object Configure which optional fields you want to show in the PDF. The SAT does not require these fields to be shown, but they can be activated according to the organization's preference. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Edit receipts settings
Update the organization's receipts settings.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
periodicity | string Default: "month" Enum: "day" "week" "fortnight" "month" "two_months" Periodicity with which the company decides to issue a global invoice (to the general public) for all the receipts not invoiced. This value is used as the default when creating a global invoice. |
duration_days | integer Default: 7 Maximum number of days to invoice through the self-invoicing portal
after the receipt is issued and before the last day of the period
defined by the |
next_folio_number | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next receipt created in this organization in the Live environment. |
next_folio_number_test | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next receipt created in this organization in the Test environment. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "periodicity": "day",
- "duration_days": 7,
- "next_folio_number": 0,
- "next_folio_number_test": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Check domain availability
Check if an identifier is available to choose as a domain for the autofactura portal.
query Parameters
domain required | string (DomainField) [ 4 .. 50 ] characters ^[a-z][a-z0-9-_]{2,48}[a-z0-9]$ Domain name. Alphanumeric characters are allowed, only lowercase, hyphen (-) and underscore (_). It must start with a letter and end in a letter or number. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/domain-check?domain=empresa-demo \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "available": true
Choose self-invoice domain
Choose the domain that this organization will use in its self-invoice microsite. Once you choose the domain, you must contact us if you need to change it.
The domain you choose will be the one that appears in the self_invoice_url
field when creating a new receipt, as follows:
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
domain required | string (DomainField) [ 4 .. 50 ] characters ^[a-z][a-z0-9-_]{2,48}[a-z0-9]$ Domain name. Alphanumeric characters are allowed, only lowercase, hyphen (-) and underscore (_). It must start with a letter and end in a letter or number. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "domain": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Retrieve organization by ID
Retrieve the organization by its ID.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Delete organization
Delete the organization from your Facturapi account. Once deleted, you will not be able to access its resources, such as clients, products, invoices, receipts, or retentions.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035 \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"
Retrieve Test API Key
Retrieve API Key for the Test environment of the organization.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/apikeys/test \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
Renew Test API Key
Renew the Test environment secret key of the organization and immediately invalidate the previous one.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/apikeys/test \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
List Live API Keys
List secret keys of the organization's Live environment.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string Organization ID |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/apikeys/live \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
[- {
- "first_12": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": "string"
Renew Live API Key
Generate a new Live environment secret key for the organization. This operation does not invalidate previously generated keys.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID of the organization |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/apikeys/live \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
Revoke Live API Key
Revoke the Live API Key of your organization.as
path Parameters
organization_id required | string Organization ID |
id required | string ID of the Live API Key |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/apikeys/live/66f2ec798ca5a9b80c97db71 \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
[- {
- "first_12": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": "string"
Listado de series
Listado de series creadas para la personalización de organización. La cual lleva control de foliaje para cada tipo de factura si está asignada en las personalización de organización.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID de la organización |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/series-group \ -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "data": [
- {
- "series": "New",
- "next_folio": 123,
- "next_folio_test": 123
Create Series
Create a new folio series for the organization. Series are useful for keeping track of the forms issued for each type of invoice
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID de la organización |
Request Body schema: application/json
series required | string <= 55 characters Series name |
next_folio required | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next invoice in the Live environment (and will automatically increase with each new invoice). |
next_folio_test required | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next invoice in the Test environment (and will automatically increase with each new invoice). |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "series": "string",
- "next_folio": 0,
- "next_folio_test": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "series": "New",
- "next_folio": 123,
- "next_folio_test": 123
Update Series
Edit the folio number of the series in the Test and Live environments of the organization.
path Parameters
organization_id required | string ID de la organización |
series_name required | string Series name |
Request Body schema: application/json
next_folio | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next invoice in the Live environment (and will automatically increase with each new invoice). |
next_folio_test | integer Folio number that will be assigned to the next invoice in the Test environment (and will automatically increase with each new invoice). |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "next_folio": 0,
- "next_folio_test": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "series": "New",
- "next_folio": 123,
- "next_folio_test": 123
Delete serie
Delete the series
path Parameters
organization_id required | string Organization Id |
series_name required | string Series Name |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/organizations/5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035/series-group/New \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_user_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "series": "New",
- "next_folio": 123,
- "next_folio_test": 123
Validate RFC (tax_id)
Check the status of an RFC in the list of EFOS (Empresas que Facturan Operaciones Simuladas). When appearing in this list, the RFC is or was suspected of engaging in simulated fiscal operations (factureras).
The response (detailed below) includes the results of this validation.
It includes the boolean property is_valid
, which Facturapi resolves by
interpreting the response. A value of true
for this property indicates
that the RFC has no issues to resolve and is free of problems; and the
opposite for false
Additionally, you can check the data
property to see the raw values of
the query to the SAT.
query Parameters
tax_id required | string Example: tax_id=BBA830831LJ2 RFC a validar |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/tools/tax_id_validation?tax_id=BBA830831LJ2 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "efos": {
- "is_valid": true,
- "data": {
- "mensaje": "string",
- "fechaLista": "Information updated on September 17, 2023",
- "detalles": [
- {
- "rfc": "NOR170627727",
- "razonSocial": "NORMANDIA FERRE,",
- "situacionContribuyente": "Definitivo",
- "numFechaPresuncion": "500-05-2020-23758 de fecha 03 de noviembre de 2020",
- "pubFechaSatPresuntos": "03/11/2020",
- "numGlobalPresuncion": "500-05-2020-23758 de fecha 03 de noviembre de 2020",
- "pubFechaDofPresuntos": "18/11/2020",
- "pubSatDefinitivos": "500-05-2021-151",
- "pubDofDefinitivos": "25/05/2021",
- "numFechaSentFav": "500-05-2021-15156 de fecha 25 de mayo de 2021",
- "pubSatSentFav": "08/06/2021"
These are the main catalogs from SAT, included here for convenience. This is by no means the full list. You can find these and more catalogs on the official SAT website: http://omawww.sat.gob.mx/tramitesyservicios/Paginas/anexo_20_version3-3.htm
Forma de Pago
(Payment Form)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Efectivo | Cash |
"02" | Cheque nominativo | Nominal check |
"03" | Transferencia electrónica de fondos | Electronic transfer of funds |
"04" | Tarjeta de crédito | Credit card |
"05" | Monedero electrónico | Electronic wallet |
"06" | Dinero electrónico | Mobile payment |
"08" | Vales de despensa | Food vouchers |
"12" | Dación en pago | Payment in kind |
"13" | Pago por subrogación | Subrogation payment |
"14" | Pago por consignación | Consignment payment |
"15" | Condonación | Debt Forgiveness or Cancellation |
"17" | Compensación | Settling Debts with Existing Credits |
"23" | Novación | Novation |
"24" | Confusión | Confusion |
"25" | Remisión de deuda | Remission |
"26" | Prescripción o caducidad | Expiration of the term |
"27" | A satisfacción del acreedor | Satisfactory payment |
"28" | Tarjeta de débito | Debit card |
"29" | Servicio | Service payment |
"30" | Aplicación de anticipos | Application of advanced payments |
"31" | Intermediario pagos | Payment intermediation |
"99" | Por definir | Pending definition |
Método de Pago
(Payment Method)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"PUE" | Pago en Una [sola] Exhibición | Payment in a single installment |
"PPD" | Pago en Parcialidades o Diferido | Payment in installments or deferred |
Uso del CFDI
(CFDI use)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) | Allowed Fiscal Regimes |
"G01" | Adquisición de mercancías. | Purchase of goods | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"G02" | Devoluciones, descuentos y bonificaciones. | Returns, discounts and bonuses | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"G03" | Gastos en general. | General expenses | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I01" | Construcciones. | Constructions | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I02" | Mobiliario y equipo de oficina por inversiones. | Furniture and office equipment for investments | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I03" | Equipo de transporte. | Transportation equipment | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I04" | Equipo de computo y accesorios. | Computer equipment and accessories | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I05" | Dados, troqueles, moldes, matrices y herramental. | Dies, molds, matrices and tools | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I06" | Comunicaciones telefónicas. | Telephone communications | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I07" | Comunicaciones satelitales. | Satellite communications | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"I08" | Otra maquinaria y equipo. | Other machinery and equipment | 601, 603, 606, 612, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626 |
"D01" | Honorarios médicos, dentales y gastos hospitalarios. | Medical, dental and hospital expenses. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D02" | Gastos médicos por incapacidad o discapacidad. | Medical expenses for disability. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D03" | Gastos funerales. | Funeral expenses. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D04" | Donativos. | Donations. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D05" | Intereses reales efectivamente pagados por créditos hipotecarios (casa habitación). | Real interest actually paid for mortgage loans (housing). | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D06" | Aportaciones voluntarias al SAR. | Voluntary contributions to the SAR. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D07" | Primas por seguros de gastos médicos. | Premiums for medical expenses insurance. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D08" | Gastos de transportación escolar obligatoria. | Mandatory school transportation expenses. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D09" | Depósitos en cuentas para el ahorro, primas que tengan como base planes de pensiones. | Deposits in savings accounts, premiums based on pension plans. | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"D10" | Pagos por servicios educativos (colegiaturas). | Payments for educational services (tuition). | 605, 606, 608, 611, 612, 614, 607, 615, 625 |
"S01" | Sin efectos fiscales. | Without fiscal effects | 601, 603, 605, 606, 608, 610, 611, 612, 614, 616, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 607, 615, 625, 626 |
"CP01" | Pagos | Payments | 601, 603, 605, 606, 608, 610, 611, 612, 614, 616, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 607, 615, 625, 626 |
"CN01" | Nómina | Payroll | 605 |
Relación entre facturas
(Relation between invoices)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Nota de crédito de los documentos relacionados | Credit note of the related documents |
"02" | Nota de débito de los documentos relacionados | Debit note of the related documents |
"03" | Devolución de mercancía sobre facturas o traslados previos | Return of goods on invoices or previous transfers |
"04" | Sustitución de los CFDI previos | Replacement of previous CFDI |
"05" | Traslados de mercancias facturados previamente | Transfers of goods previously invoiced |
"06" | Factura generada por los traslados previos | Invoice generated by previous transfers |
"07" | CFDI por aplicación de anticipo | CFDI by advance payment application |
"08" | Factura generada por pagos en parcialidades | Invoice generated by payments in installments |
"09" | Factura generada por pagos diferidos | Invoice generated by deferred payments |
Régimen Fiscal
(Fiscal Regimes or Tax Systems)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"601" | General de Ley Personas Morales | General Law of Legal Entities |
"603" | Personas Morales con Fines no Lucrativos | Non-profit Legal Entities |
"605" | Sueldos y Salarios e Ingresos Asimilados a Salarios | Wages and Salaries and Assimilated Income |
"606" | Arrendamiento | Rent |
"608" | Demás ingresos | Other income |
"609" | Consolidación | Consolidation |
"610" | Residentes en el Extranjero sin Establecimiento Permanente en México | Non-residents with no Permanent Establishment in Mexico |
"611" | Ingresos por Dividendos (socios y accionistas) | Dividends (partners and shareholders) |
"612" | Personas Físicas con Actividades Empresariales y Profesionales | Individuals with Business and Professional Activities |
"614" | Ingresos por intereses | Interest income |
"616" | Sin obligaciones fiscales | No tax obligations |
"620" | Sociedades Cooperativas de Producción que optan por diferir sus ingresos | Production Cooperatives that choose to defer their income |
"621" | Incorporación Fiscal | Fiscal Incorporation |
"622" | Actividades Agrícolas, Ganaderas, Silvícolas y Pesqueras | Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and Fishing Activities |
"623" | Opcional para Grupos de Sociedades | Optional for Groups of Companies |
"624" | Coordinados | Coordinated |
"628" | Hidrocarburos | Hydrocarbons |
"607" | Régimen de Enajenación o Adquisición de Bienes | Regime of Alienation or Acquisition of Goods |
"629" | De los Regímenes Fiscales Preferentes y de las Empresas Multinacionales | Of Preferential Tax Regimes and Multinational Companies |
"630" | Enajenación de acciones en bolsa de valores | Sale of shares on the stock exchange |
"615" | Régimen de los ingresos por obtención de premios | Regime of income from obtaining prizes |
"625" | Régimen de las Actividades Empresariales con ingresos a través de Plataformas Tecnológicas | Regime of Business Activities with income through Technological Platforms |
"626" | Régimen Simplificado de Confianza | Simplified Trust Regime |
Meses y bimestres
(Months and bimesters)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
01 | Enero | January |
02 | Febrero | February |
03 | Marzo | March |
04 | Abril | April |
05 | Mayo | May |
06 | Junio | June |
07 | Julio | July |
08 | Agosto | August |
09 | Septiembre | September |
10 | Octubre | October |
11 | Noviembre | November |
12 | Diciembre | December |
13 | Enero-Febrero | January-February |
14 | Marzo-Abril | March-April |
15 | Mayo-Junio | May-June |
16 | Julio-Agosto | July-August |
17 | Septiembre-Octubre | September-October |
18 | Noviembre-Diciembre | November-December |
Tipo de Contrato
(Type of Contract)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Contrato de trabajo por tiempo indeterminado | Indefinite term employment contract |
"02" | Contrato de trabajo para obra determinada | Employment contract for a specific work |
"03" | Contrato de trabajo por tiempo determinado | Employment contract for a fixed term |
"04" | Contrato de trabajo por temporada | Seasonal employment contract |
"05" | Contrato de trabajo sujeto a prueba | Employment contract subject to trial |
"06" | Contrato de trabajo con capacitación inicial | Employment contract with initial training |
"07" | Modalidad de contratación por pago de hora laborada | Modality of hiring by payment of hours worked |
"08" | Modalidad de trabajo por comisión laboral | Labor commission work modality |
"09" | Modalidades de contratación donde no existe relación de trabajo | Hiring modalities where there is no employment relationship |
"10" | Jubilación, pensión, retiro. | Retirement, pension, retirement. |
"99" | Otro contrato | Other contract |
Tipo de Jornada
(Type of Labor Day)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Diurna | Daytime |
"02" | Nocturna | Night |
"03" | Mixta | Mixed |
"04" | Por hora | By the hour |
"05" | Reducida | Reduced |
"06" | Continuada | Continued |
"07" | Partida | Split |
"08" | Por turnos | By shifts |
"99" | Otra Jornada | Other day |
Tipo de Régimen
(Type of Regime)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"02" | Sueldos (Incluye ingresos señalados en la fracción I del artículo 94 de LISR) | Salaries (Includes income referred to in section I of article 94 of LISR) |
"03" | Jubilados | Retirees |
"04" | Pensionados | Pensioners |
"05" | Asimilados Miembros Sociedades Cooperativas Produccion | Assimilated Members of Production Cooperatives |
"06" | Asimilados Integrantes Sociedades Asociaciones Civiles | Assimilated Members of Civil Associations |
"07" | Asimilados Miembros Consejos Administración Sociedades Mercantiles | Assimilated Members of the Boards of Directors of Commercial Companies |
"08" | Asimilados comisionistas | Assimilated commission agents |
"09" | Asimilados Honorarios | Assimilated Fees |
"10" | Asimilados acciones | Assimilated shares |
"11" | Asimilados otros | Assimilated others |
"12" | Jubilados o Pensionados | Retirees or Pensioners |
"13" | Indemnización o Separación | Compensation or Separation |
"99" | Otro Regimen | Other Regime |
Riesgo del Puesto
(Risk of the Position)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"1" | Clase I | Class I |
"2" | Clase II | Class II |
"3" | Clase III | Class III |
"4" | Clase IV | Class IV |
"5" | Clase V | Class V |
"99" | No aplica | Does not apply |
Periodicidad del Pago
(Payment Frequency)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Diario | Daily |
"02" | Semanal | Weekly |
"03" | Catorcenal | Biweekly |
"04" | Quincenal | Fortnightly |
"05" | Mensual | Monthly |
"06" | Bimestral | Bimonthly |
"07" | Unidad obra | Work unit |
"08" | Comisión | Commission |
"09" | Precio alzado | Fixed price |
"10" | Decenal | Ten-day |
"99" | Otra Periodicidad | Other Frequency |
Tipo de Percepción
(Type of Earnings)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"001" | Sueldos, Salarios Rayas y Jornales | Wages, Salaries, Stripes and Wages |
"002" | Gratificación Anual (Aguinaldo) | Annual Bonus (Aguinaldo) |
"003" | Participación de los Trabajadores en las Utilidades PTU | Participation of Workers in Profits PTU |
"004" | Reembolso de Gastos Médicos Dentales y Hospitalarios | Reimbursement of Medical, Dental and Hospital Expenses |
"005" | Fondo de Ahorro | Savings Fund |
"006" | Caja de ahorro | Savings box |
"009" | Contribuciones a Cargo del Trabajador Pagadas por el Patrón | Contributions to be paid by the Worker Paid by the Employer |
"010" | Premios por puntualidad | Punctuality Awards |
"011" | Prima de Seguro de vida | Life Insurance Premium |
"012" | Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores | Major Medical Expenses Insurance |
"013" | Cuotas Sindicales Pagadas por el Patrón | Union Dues Paid by the Employer |
"014" | Subsidios por incapacidad | Disability Subsidies |
"015" | Becas para trabajadores y/o hijos | Scholarships for workers and / or children |
"019" | Horas extra | Extra hours |
"020" | Prima dominical | Sunday premium |
"021" | Prima vacacional | Vacation premium |
"022" | Prima por antigüedad | Seniority premium |
"023" | Pagos por separación | Separation payments |
"024" | Seguro de retiro | Retirement insurance |
"025" | Indemnizaciones | Indemnities |
"026" | Reembolso por funeral | Funeral refund |
"027" | Cuotas de seguridad social pagadas por el patrón | Social security fees paid by the employer |
"028" | Comisiones | Commissions |
"029" | Vales de despensa | Food vouchers |
"030" | Vales de restaurante | Restaurant vouchers |
"031" | Vales de gasolina | Gasoline vouchers |
"032" | Vales de ropa | Clothing vouchers |
"033" | Ayuda para renta | Help for rent |
"034" | Ayuda para artículos escolares | Help for school supplies |
"035" | Ayuda para anteojos | Help for glasses |
"036" | Ayuda para transporte | Transportation help |
"037" | Ayuda para gastos de funeral | Help for funeral expenses |
"038" | Otros ingresos por salarios | Other income from salaries |
"039" | Jubilaciones, pensiones o haberes de retiro en una sola exhibición | Retirement, pensions or retirement benefits in a single exhibition |
"044" | Jubilaciones, pensiones o haberes de retiro en parcialidades | Retirement, pensions or retirement benefits in installments |
"045" | Ingresos en acciones o títulos valor que representan bienes | Income in shares or securities representing goods |
"046" | Ingresos asimilados a salarios | Income assimilated to salaries |
"047" | Alimentación diferentes a los establecidos en el Art 94 último párrafo LISR | Food other than those established in Art 94 last paragraph LISR |
"048" | Habitación | Room |
"049" | Premios por asistencia | Attendance awards |
"050" | Viáticos | Travel allowances |
"051" | Pagos por gratificaciones, primas, compensaciones, recompensas u otros en parcialidades | Payments for bonuses, bonuses, compensations, rewards or others in installments |
"052" | Pagos por jubilación en parcialidades derivados de una resolución judicial | Retirement payments in installments derived from a judicial resolution |
"053" | Pagos por jubilación en una sola exhibición derivados de la ejecución de una resolución judicial | Retirement payments in a single exhibition derived from the execution of a judicial resolution |
Tipo de Horas
(Type of Hours)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Dobles | Doubles |
"02" | Triples | Triples |
"03" | Simples | Singles |
Tipo de Deducción
(Type of Deduction)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"001" | Seguridad social | Social security |
"002" | ISR | ISR (Income Tax) |
"003" | Aportaciones a retiro, cesantía en edad avanzada y vejez. | Contributions to retirement, old age and old age. |
"004" | Otros | Others |
"005" | Aportaciones a Fondo de vivienda | Contributions to Housing Fund |
"006" | Descuento por incapacidad | Disability discount |
"007" | Pensión alimenticia | Alimony |
"008" | Renta | Rent |
"009" | Préstamos provenientes del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores | Loans from the National Housing Fund for Workers |
"010" | Pago por crédito de vivienda | Payment for housing credit |
"011" | Pago de abonos INFONACOT | Payment of INFONACOT installments |
"012" | Anticipo de salarios | Salary advance |
"013" | Pagos hechos con exceso al trabajador | Payments made in excess to the worker |
"014" | Errores | Errors |
"015" | Pérdidas | Losses |
"016" | Averías | Breakdowns |
"017" | Adquisición de artículos producidos por la empresa o establecimiento | Acquisition of items produced by the company or establishment |
"018" | Cuotas para la constitución y fomento de sociedades cooperativas y de cajas de ahorro | Fees for the constitution and promotion of cooperative societies and savings banks |
"019" | Cuotas sindicales | Union fees |
"020" | Ausencia (Ausentismo) | Absence (Absenteeism) |
"021" | Cuotas obrero patronales | Worker-employer fees |
"022" | Impuestos Locales | Local Taxes |
"023" | Aportaciones voluntarias al SAR | Voluntary contributions to the SAR |
"024" | Ajuste en Gratificación Anual (Aguinaldo) Exento | Adjustment in Annual Bonus (Aguinaldo) Exempt |
"025" | Ajuste en Gratificación Anual (Aguinaldo) Gravado | Adjustment in Annual Bonus (Aguinaldo) Taxed |
"026" | Ajuste en Participación de los Trabajadores en las Utilidades PTU Exento | Adjustment in Workers' Participation in Profits PTU Exempt |
"027" | Ajuste en Participación de los Trabajadores en las Utilidades PTU Gravado | Adjustment in Workers' Participation in Profits PTU Taxed |
"028" | Ajuste en Reembolso de Gastos Médicos Dentales y Hospitalarios Exento | Adjustment in Reimbursement of Medical, Dental and Hospital Expenses Exempt |
"029" | Ajuste en Fondo de ahorro Exento | Adjustment in Savings Fund Exempt |
"030" | Ajuste en Caja de ahorro Exento | Adjustment in Savings Box Exempt |
"031" | Ajuste en Contribuciones a Cargo del Trabajador Pagadas por el Patrón Exento | Adjustment in Contributions to be paid by the Worker Paid by the Employer Exempt |
"032" | Ajuste en Premios por puntualidad Gravado | Adjustment in Punctuality Awards Taxed |
"033" | Ajuste en Prima de Seguro de vida Exento | Adjustment in Life Insurance Premium Exempt |
"034" | Ajuste en Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores Exento | Adjustment in Major Medical Expenses Insurance Exempt |
"035" | Ajuste en Cuotas Sindicales Pagadas por el Patrón Exento | Adjustment in Union Dues Paid by the Employer Exempt |
"036" | Ajuste en Subsidios por incapacidad Exento | Adjustment in Disability Subsidies Exempt |
"037" | Ajuste en Becas para trabajadores y/o hijos Exento | Adjustment in Scholarships for workers and / or children Exempt |
"038" | Ajuste en Horas extra Exento | Adjustment in Extra hours Exempt |
"039" | Ajuste en Horas extra Gravado | Adjustment in Extra hours Taxed |
"040" | Ajuste en Prima dominical Exento | Adjustment in Sunday premium Exempt |
"041" | Ajuste en Prima dominical Gravado | Adjustment in Sunday premium Taxed |
"042" | Ajuste en Prima vacacional Exento | Adjustment in Vacation premium Exempt |
"043" | Ajuste en Prima vacacional Gravado | Adjustment in Vacation premium Taxed |
"044" | Ajuste en Prima por antigüedad Exento | Adjustment in Seniority premium Exempt |
"045" | Ajuste en Prima por antigüedad Gravado | Adjustment in Seniority premium Taxed |
"046" | Ajuste en Pagos por separación Exento | Adjustment in Separation payments Exempt |
"047" | Ajuste en Pagos por separación Gravado | Adjustment in Separation payments Taxed |
"048" | Ajuste en Seguro de retiro Exento | Adjustment in Retirement insurance Exempt |
"049" | Ajuste en Indemnizaciones Exento | Adjustment in Indemnities Exempt |
"050" | Ajuste en Indemnizaciones Gravado | Adjustment in Indemnities Taxed |
"051" | Ajuste en Reembolso por funeral Exento | Adjustment in Funeral refund Exempt |
"052" | Ajuste en Cuotas de seguridad social pagadas por el patrón Exento | Adjustment in Social security fees paid by the employer Exempt |
"053" | Ajuste en Comisiones Gravado | Adjustment in Commissions Taxed |
"054" | Ajuste en Vales de despensa Exento | Adjustment in Food vouchers Exempt |
"055" | Ajuste en Vales de restaurante Exento | Adjustment in Restaurant vouchers Exempt |
"056" | Ajuste en Vales de gasolina Exento | Adjustment in Gasoline vouchers Exempt |
"057" | Ajuste en Vales de ropa Exento | Adjustment in Clothing vouchers Exempt |
"058" | Ajuste en Ayuda para renta Exento | Adjustment in Help for rent Exempt |
"059" | Ajuste en Ayuda para artículos escolares Exento | Adjustment in Help for school supplies Exempt |
"060" | Ajuste en Ayuda para anteojos Exento | Adjustment in Help for glasses Exempt |
"061" | Ajuste en Ayuda para transporte Exento | Adjustment in Transportation help Exempt |
"062" | Ajuste en Ayuda para gastos de funeral Exento | Adjustment in Help for funeral expenses Exempt |
"063" | Ajuste en Otros ingresos por salarios Exento | Adjustment in Other income from salaries Exempt |
"064" | Ajuste en Otros ingresos por salarios Gravado | Adjustment in Other income from salaries Taxed |
"065" | Ajuste en Jubilaciones, pensiones o haberes de retiro en una sola exhibición Exento | Adjustment in Retirement, pensions or retirement benefits in a single exhibition Exempt |
"066" | Ajuste en Jubilaciones, pensiones o haberes de retiro en una sola exhibición Gravado | Adjustment in Retirement, pensions or retirement benefits in a single exhibition Taxed |
"067" | Ajuste en Pagos por separación Acumulable | Adjustment in Separation payments Accumulable |
"068" | Ajuste en Pagos por separación No acumulable | Adjustment in Separation payments Non-accumulable |
"069" | Ajuste en Jubilaciones, pensiones o haberes de retiro en parcialidades Exento | Adjustment in Retirement, pensions or retirement benefits in installments Exempt |
"070" | Ajuste en Jubilaciones, pensiones o haberes de retiro en parcialidades Gravado | Adjustment in Retirement, pensions or retirement benefits in installments Taxed |
"071" | Ajuste en Subsidio para el empleo (efectivamente entregado al trabajador) | Adjustment in Employment subsidy (effectively delivered to the worker) |
"072" | Ajuste en Ingresos en acciones o títulos valor que representan bienes Exento | Adjustment in Income in shares or securities representing goods Exempt |
"073" | Ajuste en Ingresos en acciones o títulos valor que representan bienes Gravado | Adjustment in Income in shares or securities representing goods Taxed |
"074" | Ajuste en Alimentación Exento | Adjustment in Food Exempt |
"075" | Ajuste en Alimentación Gravado | Adjustment in Food Taxed |
"076" | Ajuste en Habitación Exento | Adjustment in Room Exempt |
"077" | Ajuste en Habitación Gravado | Adjustment in Room Taxed |
"078" | Ajuste en Premios por asistencia Exento | Adjustment in Attendance awards Exempt |
"079" | Ajuste en Pagos distintos a los listados Exento | Adjustment in Payments other than those listed Exempt |
"080" | Ajuste en Viáticos gravados | Adjustment in Taxable travel expenses |
"081" | Ajuste en Viáticos (entregados al trabajador) | Adjustment in Travel expenses (delivered to the worker) |
"082" | Ajuste en Fondo de ahorro Gravado | Adjustment in Savings Fund Taxed |
"083" | Ajuste en Caja de ahorro Gravado | Adjustment in Savings Box Taxed |
"084" | Ajuste en Prima de Seguro de vida Gravado | Adjustment in Life Insurance Premium Taxed |
"085" | Ajuste en Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores Gravado | Adjustment in Major Medical Expenses Insurance Taxed |
"086" | Ajuste en Subsidios por incapacidad Gravado | Adjustment in Disability Subsidies Taxed |
"087" | Ajuste en Becas para trabajadores y/o hijos Gravado | Adjustment in Scholarships for workers and / or children Taxed |
"088" | Ajuste en Seguro de retiro Gravado | Adjustment in Retirement insurance Taxed |
"089" | Ajuste en Vales de despensa Gravado | Adjustment in Food vouchers Taxed |
"090" | Ajuste en Vales de restaurante Gravado | Adjustment in Restaurant vouchers Taxed |
"091" | Ajuste en Vales de gasolina Gravado | Adjustment in Gasoline vouchers Taxed |
"092" | Ajuste en Vales de ropa Gravado | Adjustment in Clothing vouchers Taxed |
"093" | Ajuste en Ayuda para renta Gravado | Adjustment in Help for rent Taxed |
"094" | Ajuste en Ayuda para artículos escolares Gravado | Adjustment in Help for school supplies Taxed |
"095" | Ajuste en Ayuda para anteojos Gravado | Adjustment in Help for glasses Taxed |
"096" | Ajuste en Ayuda para transporte Gravado | Adjustment in Transportation help Taxed |
"097" | Ajuste en Ayuda para gastos de funeral Gravado | Adjustment in Help for funeral expenses Taxed |
"098" | Ajuste a ingresos asimilados a salarios gravados | Adjustment to income assimilated to taxed salaries |
"099" | Ajuste a ingresos por sueldos y salarios gravados | Adjustment to income for taxed wages and salaries |
"100" | Ajuste en Viáticos exentos | Adjustment in Exempt travel expenses |
"101" | ISR Retenido de ejercicio anterior | ISR Retained from previous exercise |
"102" | Ajuste a pagos por gratificaciones, primas, compensaciones, recompensas u otros gravados | Adjustment to payments for bonuses, bonuses, compensations, rewards or others taxed |
"103" | Ajuste a pagos en parcialidades derivados de una resolución judicial gravados | Adjustment to payments in installments derived from a judicial resolution taxed |
"104" | Ajuste a pagos en parcialidades derivados de una resolución judicial exentos | Adjustment to payments in installments derived from a judicial resolution exempt |
"105" | Ajuste a pagos en una sola exhibición derivados de una resolución judicial gravados | Adjustment to payments in a single exhibition derived from a judicial resolution taxed |
"106" | Ajuste a pagos en una sola exhibición derivados de una resolución judicial exentos | Adjustment to payments in a single exhibition derived from a judicial resolution exempt |
"107" | Ajuste al Subsidio Causado | Adjustment to Accrued Subsidy |
Tipo de Otro Pago
(Type of Other Payment)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"001" | Reintegro de ISR pagado en exceso. | Refund of ISR paid in excess. |
"002" | Subsidio para el empleo (efectivamente entregado al trabajador). | Employment subsidy (effectively delivered to the worker). |
"003" | Viáticos (entregados al trabajador). | Travel expenses (delivered to the worker). |
"004" | Aplicación de saldo a favor por compensación anual. | Application of balance in favor by annual compensation. |
"005" | Reintegro de ISR retenido en exceso de ejercicio anterior | Refund of ISR retained in excess of previous exercise |
"006" | Alimentos en bienes (Servicios de comedor y comida). | Food in goods (Dining and food services). |
"007" | ISR ajustado por subsidio. | ISR adjusted by subsidy. |
"008" | Subsidio efectivamente entregado que no correspondía. | Subsidy effectively delivered that did not correspond. |
"009" | Reembolso de descuentos efectuados para el crédito de vivienda. | Refund of discounts made for housing credit. |
"999" | Pagos distintos a los listados. | Payments other than those listed. |
Tipo de Incapacidad
(Type of Disability)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Riesgo de trabajo. | Work risk. |
"02" | Enfermedad en general. | General illness. |
"03" | Maternidad. | Maternity. |
"04" | Licencia por cuidados médicos de hijos diagnosticados con cáncer. | License for medical care of children diagnosed with cancer. |
Clave de retención
(Retention Key)
Key | Description (Spanish) | Description (English) |
"01" | Servicios profesionales. | Professional services. |
"02" | Regalías por derechos de autor. | Royalties for copyright. |
"03" | Autotransporte terrestre de carga. | Land cargo transportation. |
"04" | Servicios prestados por comisionistas. | Services provided by commission agents. |
"05" | Arrendamiento. | Lease. |
"06" | Enajenación de acciones. | Sale of shares. |
"07" | Enajenación de bienes objeto de la LIEPS, a través de mediadores, agentes, representantes, corredores, consignatarios o distribuidores. | Sale of goods subject to LIEPS, through mediators, agents, representatives, brokers, consignees or distributors. |
"08" | Enajenación de bienes inmuebles consignada en escritura pública. | Sale of real estate consigned in a public deed. |
"09" | Enajenación de otros bienes, no consignada en escritura pública. | Sale of other goods, not consigned in a public deed. |
"10" | Adquisición de desperdicios industriales. | Acquisition of industrial waste. |
"11" | Adquisición de bienes consignada en escritura pública. | Acquisition of goods consigned in a public deed. |
"12" | Adquisición de otros bienes, no consignada en escritura pública. | Acquisition of other goods, not consigned in a public deed. |
"13" | Otros retiros de AFORE. | Other withdrawals from AFORE. |
"14" | Dividendos o utilidades distribuidas. | Dividends or distributed profits. |
"15" | Remanente distribuible. | Distributable remnant. |
"16" | Intereses. | Interests. |
"17" | Arrendamiento en fideicomiso. | Lease in trust. |
"18" | Pagos realizados a favor de residentes en el extranjero. | Payments made in favor of residents abroad. |
"19" | Enajenación de acciones u operaciones en bolsa de valores. | Sale of shares or operations on the stock exchange. |
"20" | Obtención de premios. | Obtaining prizes. |
"21" | Fideicomisos que no realizan actividades empresariales. | Trusts that do not carry out business activities. |
"22" | Planes personales de retiro. | Personal retirement plans. |
"23" | Intereses reales deducibles por créditos hipotecarios. | Real interests deductible for mortgage loans. |
"24" | Operaciones Financieras Derivadas de Capital. | Capital Derivative Financial Operations. |
"25" | Otro tipo de retenciones. | Other types of retentions. |
"26" | Servicios mediante Plataformas Tecnológicas | Services through Technological Platforms |
Validez de obligaciones
(Validity of obligations)
Validity | Exempt IVA | Rate 0% | Rate 8% Noth Border | Rate 8% South Border | Rate 16% | |||||
"0" | The taxpayer is not authorized to issue invoices | |||||||||
"1" | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | |||||
"2" | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | |||||
"3" | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | |||||
"4" | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Situación del contribuyente
(Taxpayer situation)
| Value | Description |:-----:|:-----------|:----------- | "Previsto" (Announced) | The taxpayer receives a letter via tax mailbox or notifications by means of a notice board, in which his situation is established and he is asked to demonstrate the materiality of the invoiced operations. | "Presunto" (Pressumed) | The notified taxpayer is considered presumed when, on its website, the authority issues its data within the list of EFOS, that is, in the SAT's blacklists. | "Desvirtuado" (Disproved) | In this case, the taxpayer accused of non-existent operations has already provided the authority with the documentation and information necessary to refute the facts that led to the notification. | "Definitivo" (Definitive) | In this case, the EFO did not respond to the authority's call within 15 days, from the last notification; or could not refute the imputed facts. | "Sentencia favorable" (Favorable sentence) | Taxpayers EFOS "definitive" who are dissatisfied and file some means of defense, which concludes in their favor, are classified in the list of "favorable judgment". | "EFOS de información suprimida" (Redacted information EFOS) | In this category, the EFOS "presumed" and "definitive" are found that presented some means of defense (amparo, nullity trial) and, therefore, a judge ordered to suppress their data from the list, without being eliminated.
Product/Service Key
Search in the SAT Product/Service catalog, which contains the key to include in the invoice.
query Parameters
q | string Text search. Text to search in the product/service classification description. |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/catalogs/products?q=ukelele \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "key": 60131324,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "score": 0.8
Units of Measure
Search in the SAT Units of Measure catalog.
query Parameters
q | string Query. Text to search in the description of the unit of measure. |
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/catalogs/units?q=pulgada \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "key": "INH",
- "description": "Pulgada",
- "score": 0.9
Events occur when Facturapi performs an operation asynchronously, outside the lifecycle of an API request.
To receive these events on your server, you can register a listening URL by creating a Webhook from your dashboard: https://dashboard.facturapi.io/integration/webhooks
Global invoice created Webhook
Notifies about the creation of a global invoice from e-Receipts.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id | string ID of the event |
created_at | string <date-time> Creation date and time of the event |
livemode | boolean Indicates if the event was generated in Test mode (false) or Live mode (true). |
organization | string ID of the organization this event is related to |
type | string Value: "invoice.global_invoice_created" Type of event |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "livemode": true,
- "organization": "string",
- "type": "invoice.global_invoice_created",
- "data": {
- "type": "invoice",
- "object": {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Invoice status updated Webhook
Notifies about changes in the status
field of an invoice.
Used in the case of having created the invoice asynchronously (async
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id | string ID of the event |
created_at | string <date-time> Creation date and time of the event |
livemode | boolean Indicates if the event was generated in Test mode (false) or Live mode (true). |
organization | string ID of the organization this event is related to |
type | string Value: "invoice.status_updated" Type of event |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "livemode": true,
- "organization": "string",
- "type": "invoice.status_updated",
- "data": {
- "type": "invoice",
- "object": {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Cancellation status updated Webhook
Notifies about changes in the cancellation_status
field of an invoice.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id | string ID of the event |
created_at | string <date-time> Creation date and time of the event |
livemode | boolean Indicates if the event was generated in Test mode (false) or Live mode (true). |
organization | string ID of the organization this event is related to |
type | string Value: "invoice.cancellation_status_updated" Type of event |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "livemode": true,
- "organization": "string",
- "type": "invoice.cancellation_status_updated",
- "data": {
- "type": "invoice",
- "object": {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
Self-invoice completed Webhook
Notifies about the completion of a self-invoice.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id | string ID of the event |
created_at | string <date-time> Creation date and time of the event |
livemode | boolean Indicates if the event was generated in Test mode (false) or Live mode (true). |
organization | string ID of the organization this event is related to |
type | string Value: "receipt.self_invoice_complete" Type of event |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "livemode": true,
- "organization": "string",
- "type": "receipt.self_invoice_complete",
- "data": {
- "type": "receipt",
- "object": {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
Receipt status updated Webhook
Notifies about changes in the status
field of a receipt.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id | string ID of the event |
created_at | string <date-time> Creation date and time of the event |
livemode | boolean Indicates if the event was generated in Test mode (false) or Live mode (true). |
organization | string ID of the organization this event is related to |
type | string Value: "receipt.status_updated" Type of event |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "livemode": true,
- "organization": "string",
- "type": "receipt.status_updated",
- "data": {
- "type": "receipt",
- "object": {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
Create webhook
Register a new webhook in your Facturapi organization.
Use this call to receive notifications of asynchronous events to the API.
Test and live environment webhooks are independent.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enabled_events required | Array of strings Items Enum: "invoice.global_invoice_created" "invoice.status_updated" "invoice.cancellation_status_updated" "receipt.self_invoice_complete" "receipt.status_updated" "receipt.cancellation_status_updated" Events enabled for the webhook to listen to. |
url required | string Full URL of the webhook listener. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.self_invoice_complete"
Response samples
- 200
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "organization": "string",
- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.cancellation_status"
}, - "status": "enabled"
List webhooks
Returns a list of webhooks created previously for the organization.
query Parameters
page | integer >= 1 Page of results to return, starting from page 1. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 50 Number from 1 to 100 representing the maximum amount of results to return for pagination purposes. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/webhooks \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY" \ -G \ -d 'page=1'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "page": 1,
- "total_pages": 1,
- "total_results": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "organization": "string",
- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.cancellation_status"
}, - "status": "enabled"
Retrieve webhook by ID
Retrieve the webhook subscription by its ID.
path Parameters
webhook_id required | string ID of the webhook |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/webhooks/590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "organization": "string",
- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.cancellation_status"
}, - "status": "enabled"
Edit webhook
Update the information of an existing webhook with the parameters you send in the request.
path Parameters
webhook_id required | string ID of the webhook |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enabled_events required | Array of strings Items Enum: "invoice.global_invoice_created" "invoice.status_updated" "invoice.cancellation_status_updated" "receipt.self_invoice_complete" "receipt.status_updated" "receipt.cancellation_status_updated" Events enabled for the webhook to listen to. |
status | string Enum: "disabled" "enabled" Status of the webhook. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "status": "disabled",
- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.self_invoice_complete"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "organization": "string",
- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.cancellation_status"
}, - "status": "enabled"
Delete Webhook
Deletes the webhook subscription from the organization.
path Parameters
webhook_id required | string ID of the webhook |
Request samples
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
curl https://www.facturapi.io/v2/webhooks/590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_API_KEY"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 500
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "organization": "string",
- "enabled_events": {
- "0": "receipt.cancellation_status"
}, - "status": "enabled"
Validate Webhook Signature
Validate the signature of an event object received through a Webhook. Use this operation to verify the authenticity and integrity of the event received, comparing the received signature with the one generated by Facturapi.
Request Body schema: application/json
secret | string Secret key of the webhook, found in the webhook settings or upon creation. |
payload | object Event object received through a webhook. |
signature | string Signature from the header "Facturapi-Signature". |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Node.js
- C#
{- "secret": "string",
- "payload": { },
- "signature": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "livemode": true,
- "organization": "string",
- "type": "invoice.status_updated",
- "data": {
- "type": "invoice",
- "object": {
- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
id required | string ID of the object |
created_at required | string <date-time> Creation date and time |
livemode required | boolean Indicates if the object was created in Live mode (true) or Test mode (false). |
edit_link | string or null Link to a hosted page where the customer can edit their information once. |
edit_link_expires_at | string or null <date-time> Expiration date of the edit link. |
sat_validated_at | string or null <date-time> Date when the customer's tax information was validated by the SAT. |
legal_name | string Legal name or business name of the customer. without the corporate regime (e.g.: S.A. de C.V.). |
tax_id | string In Mexican clients, it contains the customer's RFC. For foreigners, it is optional and represents the tax identification number, that is, the equivalent to the RFC in the customer's country. |
tax_system | string = 3 characters Required for national clients. Key of the customer's tax regime, from the Tax Regime Catalog. |
string <email> Email address to which to send the generated invoices. | |
phone | string Customer's phone number. |
default_invoice_use | string Default CFDI use for the customer. |
object Fiscal address. |
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "edit_link_expires_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "sat_validated_at": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "email": "email@example.com",
- "phone": 6474010101,
- "default_invoice_use": "G01",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora",
- "country": "MEX"
id required | string ID of the object |
created_at required | string <date-time> Creation date and time |
livemode required | boolean Indicates if the object was created in Live mode (true) or Test mode (false). |
description required | string Description of the good or service as it will appear on the invoice. |
product_key required | string Key from the SAT catalog of products/services. We provide a more convenient way to find it using our key search tool. |
price required | number Price per unit of the good or service. This value will represent the price with or without VAT, depending on the value of |
tax_included | boolean or null Default: true
taxability | string Default: "`\"01\"` if the `taxes` array is empty; `\"02\"` if the `taxes` array has at least one element.\n" Enum: "01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" Code that represents whether the good or service is subject to tax or not. This attribute corresponds to the "ObjetoImp" field in the CFDI.
Array of objects or null (Tax) Default: "IVA (VAT) transferred 16%" List of taxes that must be applied to this product. If the parameter is omitted or null, it will be saved with an element representing the transferred IVA (VAT) of 16%, which is the most common tax. If an empty array is explicitly sent, it is understood that the product is exempt from taxes. | |
Array of objects (LocalTax) Default: [] Array of local taxes (state or municipal), if any. | |
unit_key | string or null Default: "H87" Key of the unit of measure, from the SAT catalog. The default value If the unit of your product is kilograms, liters, hours, or any other unit, we provide a convenient way to find the key using our key search tool. |
unit_name | string or null Default: "Elemento" Name of the unit of measure used to express the quantity. It must be related to the unit key |
sku | string or null Internal identifier designated by the company. It can have any value. |
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
id required | string ID of the object |
created_at required | string <date-time> Creation date and time |
livemode required | boolean Indicates if the object was created in Live mode (true) or Test mode (false). |
status | string Enum: "pending" "valid" "canceled" "draft" Current status of the invoice. |
cancellation_status | string Enum: "none" "pending" "accepted" "rejected" "expired" Current status of the cancellation request, if it has been made. You can read more in the Cancel Invoice section. |
verification_url | string <uri> URL to verify the status of the CFDI on the SAT portal. This link is the same as the one that appears in the QR code on the invoice PDF. |
date | string <date-time> Default: "now" Date of issuance of the invoice in ISO8601 format (UTC String). |
object Address where the invoice was issued. | |
type | string Enum: "I" "E" "P" "N" "T" Type of document. It can have the values |
object (CuustomerInfo) Object with partial information of the customer receiving the document. To obtain the complete | |
total | number Total amount invoiced. |
uuid | string <uuid> Fiscal folio of the invoice, assigned by the SAT. |
folio_number | integer Autoincremental folio number for internal control and without fiscal relevance. |
series | string Series. Alphanumeric characters designated by the company for internal control and without fiscal relevance. In the PDF, it is printed next to the folio number. |
external_id | string Identifier that you can use to relate this invoice to your records to later search by this number. |
idempotency_key | string Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. |
payment_form | string Payment form code according to the Payment Form catalog. |
is_ready_to_stamp | boolean This field is automatically assigned by Facturapi. It indicates if an invoice
with status In an invoice with a status other than |
Array of objects (LineItem) Concepts included in the document. | |
Array of objects (RelatedDocument) Documents related to the invoice. | |
received_payment_ids | Array of strings Default: [] On invoices with type I (Income) and payment method PPD, this field lists the object IDs of the payment invoices whose related documents array includes the UUID of this invoice. This field is filled in by Facturapi the moment the payment invoice (type P) is created or imported, as long as it belongs to the same organization. |
target_invoice_ids | Array of strings Default: [] On invoices with type P (Payment), this array lists the object IDs of the invoices listed in the related documents array. This field is filled in by Facturapi as long as the related invoice is also registered in Facturapi and belongs to the same organization. |
currency | string Currency code, according to the standard ISO 4217. |
exchange | number >= 0 Exchange rate for the currency used. It represents the number of Mexican pesos (MXN) equivalent to one unit of the currency indicated in the |
Array of objects (Complement) Default: [] Complements to include in the invoice. | |
pdf_custom_section | string <html> In case you need to include more information in the PDF, this field allows you to insert HTML code with your own content. |
addenda | string <xml> XML code with the Addenda that needs to be added to the invoice. |
Array of objects (Namespace) Namespaces to insert in the root node of the invoice. Required for | |
object (Stamp) Information about the digital stamp added by the PAC. |
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "cancellation_status": "none",
- "date": "now",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "type": "I",
- "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "total": 10944.82,
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "folio_number": 914,
- "series": "F",
- "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": 6,
- "is_ready_to_stamp": true,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "related_documents": [
- {
- "relationship": "string",
- "documents": { }
], - "received_payment_ids": { },
- "target_invoice_ids": { },
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
], - "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
id required | string ID of the object |
created_at required | string <date-time> Creation date and time |
livemode required | boolean Indicates if the object was created in Live mode (true) or Test mode (false). |
date | string <date-time> Date of issuance of the receipt in ISO8601 format (UTC String). |
expires_at | string <date-time> Expiration date in ISO8601 format (UTC String). It is the deadline for the customer to invoice their receipt on the autofactura portal. It is calculated automatically from the organization's receipt settings. |
status | string Enum: "open" "canceled" "invoiced_to_customer" "invoiced_globally" Estado actual del recibo. |
self_invoice_url | string <url> URL to the self-invoice portal. It includes the You can use it to generate a button or a QR code for your customers to invoice their receipts. |
total | number Total amount of the operation |
invoice | string ID of the associated invoice, if invoiced. |
key | string Auto-generated. Short alphanumeric unique identifier, useful for accessing the self-invoice from your microsite on factura.space. |
Array of objects (LineItem) Sale items included in the receipt. | |
external_id | string or null Optional identifier that you can use to relate this receipt to your records and later search by this number. Facturapi does not validate that this field is unique. |
idempotency_key | string Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. If left blank, it will not be taken into account. |
payment_form | string Payment form code according to the Payment Form catalog. |
folio_number | integer Autoincremental. Number of the receipt for internal control and without fiscal relevance. |
currency | string Currency code, according to the standard ISO 4217. |
exchange | number >= 0 Exchange rate according to the currency used. It represents the number of Mexican pesos (MXN) equivalent to one unit of the currency indicated in the |
branch | string Name of the branch where the receipt was issued. |
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "date": "2021-09-10T15:21:23.456Z",
- "expires_at": "2021-09-17T15:21:23.456Z",
- "status": "open",
- "total": 356.78,
- "invoice": "614496b471d422de4b6cfcc4",
- "key": "r9YqYarL",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197454",
- "description": "Ukelele",
- "product_key": 60131324,
- "price": 345.6,
- "tax_included": true,
- "taxability": "01",
- "taxes": {
- "0": {
- "type": "IVA",
- "rate": 0.16
}, - "local_taxes": { },
- "unit_key": "H87",
- "unit_name": "Elemento",
- "sku": "string"
}, - "parts": {
- "description": "string",
- "product_key": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "unit_price": 0,
- "unit_name": "string",
- "customs_keys": [
- "string"
], - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "payment_form": "03",
- "folio_number": 120,
- "currency": "MXN",
- "exchange": 1,
- "branch": "string"
id required | string ID of the object |
created_at required | string <date-time> Creation date and time |
livemode required | boolean Indicates if the object was created in Live mode (true) or Test mode (false). |
status | string Enum: "valid" "canceled" Current status of the document. |
verification_url | string <uri> URL to verify the status of the retention on the SAT portal. This link is the same as the one that appears in the QR code on the retention PDF. |
type | string Value: "Retención" Type of document. |
uuid | string <uuid> Fiscal folio of the retention, assigned by the SAT. |
object (Stamp) Information about the digital stamp added by the PAC. | |
object (CuustomerInfo) Object with partial information of the customer receiving the document. To obtain the complete | |
cve_retenc | string Key of the retention or payment information according to the SAT catalog. |
fecha_exp | string <date-time> Date of issuance of the document in ISO8601 format (UTC String). |
desc_retenc | string If the retention key is "25" (Other types of retentions), this field is used to register the description of the retention. |
folio_int | string Alphanumeric identifier for internal control of the company and without fiscal relevance. |
object Information about the retention period. | |
object Information about the total of retentions made in the corresponding period. | |
external_id | string Optional identifier that you can use to relate this retention to your records and later search by this number. Facturapi does not validate that this field is unique. |
idempotency_key | string or null Unique identifier that you can use to avoid duplicates when retrying a request. It can be any text string, as long as it is unique for each document. If left blank, it will not be taken into account. |
complements | Array of strings <xml> (string) [ items <xml > ] Default: [] Array of complements to include in the retention. Each element contains a |
pdf_custom_section | string <html> In case you need to include more information in the PDF, this field allows you to insert HTML code with your own content. |
addenda | string <xml> XML code with the Addenda that needs to be added to the invoice. |
Array of objects (Namespace) Namespaces to insert in the root node of the invoice. Required for |
{- "id": "590ce6c56d04f840aa8438af",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "livemode": false,
- "status": "valid",
- "type": "Retención",
- "uuid": "39c85a3f-275b-4341-b259-e8971d9f8a94",
- "stamp": {
- "signature": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sat_cert_number": "string",
- "sat_signature": "string"
}, - "customer": {
- "id": "58e93bd8e86eb318b0197456",
- "legal_name": "Dunder Mifflin",
- "tax_id": "ABC101010111",
- "address": {
- "country": "MEX"
}, - "cve_retenc": 1,
- "fecha_exp": "2021-09-15T06:03:23.000Z",
- "desc_retenc": "string",
- "folio_int": "string",
- "periodo": {
- "mes_ini": 1,
- "mes_fin": 1,
- "ejerc": 0
}, - "totales": {
- "monto_tot_operacion": 0,
- "monto_tot_grav": 0,
- "monto_tot_exent": 0,
- "monto_tot_ret": 0,
- "imp_retenidos": [
- {
- "base": 0,
- "impuesto": "IVA",
- "monto": 0,
- "tipo_pago_ret": 1
}, - "external_id": "string",
- "idempotency_key": "string",
- "complements": { },
- "pdf_custom_section": "string",
- "addenda": "string",
- "namespaces": [
- {
- "prefix": "iedu",
id | string ID of the organization, assigned by Facturapi. |
created_at | string <date-time> Date and time of creation of the organization. |
is_production_ready | boolean Indicates if the organization has the necessary information to issue invoices in the Live environment. |
Array of objects List of steps that need to be completed for this organization to issue valid invoices in the Live environment. | |
object Fiscal information of the organization. | |
object Organization customization settings, which will be used to reflect the branding and PDF preferences of the organization. This data can be updated at any time. | |
object Useful information about the organization's Digital Stamp Certificate (CSD), which will be used to sign the invoices. |
{- "id": "5a2a307be93a2f00129ea035",
- "created_at": "2017-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "is_production_ready": true,
- "pending_steps": [
- {
- "type": "legal",
- "description": "string"
], - "legal": {
- "name": "string",
- "legal_name": "string",
- "tax_system": "601",
- "website": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address": {
- "street": "Blvd. Atardecer",
- "exterior": 142,
- "interior": 4,
- "neighborhood": "Centro",
- "city": "Huatabampo",
- "municipality": "Huatabampo",
- "zip": 86500,
- "state": "Sonora"
}, - "customization": {
- "has_logo": true,
- "color": "BADA55",
- "next_folio_number": 123,
- "next_folio_number_test": 123,
- "pdf_extra": {
- "codes": true,
- "product_key": true,
- "round_unit_price": false,
- "tax_breakdown": true,
- "ieps_breakdown": true
}, - "certificate": {
- "has_certificates": true,
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T20:55:33.468Z",
- "expires_at": "2025-05-05T20:55:33.468Z"